Why Zombie Scrum Teams Don’t Ship Fast
In environments with Zombie Scrum, people don’t understand why it’s important to ship fast. When you ask them, they respond with a shrug. Or with a dismissive smile, because “that can’t possibly work for a product or organization as complex as ours”. For them, shipping fast is only possible for small and inconsequential products or for huge tech companies like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Etsy. Even if they’d want to, the investment would simply be too large. It’s more convenient to keep batching many updates into large, infrequent releases. Honestly, this is not very different from seeing the appeal in a healthy lifestyle but refusing to do the frequent workouts to get there. Signs to watch for Regardless of how much work Scrum Teams complete within a Sprint, features are batched into large quarterly or yearly releases. Releases are “all hands”-affairs where people clear their schedule for the evening and the next day(s) to address issues caused by the release. “That doesn’t w...