

OKRとは何ですか? OKR Objectives and Key Results(OKR)は、Objectives and KeyResultsの頭字語です。会社、部門、または個人の一般的な優先順位は、目的の例です。その目標の達成は、主要な結果によって測定されます。 SMARTの優先順位が主要な結果である必要があります。 目標と主要な結果(OKR)は、目標とその結果を定義および追跡するための目標設定フレームワークです。 OKRは、目標(明確な目標)と3〜5の主要な結果(目標の達成を追跡するために使用される特定の指標)で構成されます。 OKRの目的は、具体的で具体的かつ観察可能な手順を実行することにより、目標を達成する方法を決定することです。 0〜100パーセントのスケールまたは別の数値単位を使用して、主要な結果(金額、パーセント、アイテムなど)を評価できます。したがって、目標を達成し、主要な結果を前進させることを目的とした計画と行動であるイニシアチブは、目的によってサポートされるべきです。 重要な結果の目標成功率は70%にすることをお勧めします。 70%の成功率により、スタッフはリスクを低く抑えながら挑戦できる競争力のある目標を設定できます。すべての主要な結果が確実に達成された場合は、結果を再評価する必要があります。 OKRを企業全体に広げて、チームに優先順位についての洞察を与え、チームが協力して作業を指揮できるようにする必要があります。 OKRは通常、ビジネス、チーム、および個人のレベルで設定されますが、これによりウォーターフォールアプローチが多すぎるとの批判があり、OKRはいくつかの点で防止するように設計されています。 OGSMや方針管理のX-Matrixなど、いくつかの戦略的構造にはいくつかの重複があります。一方、OGSMは、その要素の1つとして「戦略」を挙げています。さらに、OKRはKPIとバランススコアカードの間の境界線にまたがっており、他のパフォーマンス評価システムとの互換性があります。 強調、調整、およびコミットメントは、OKRの3つの主な利点です。 目的とは何ですか? 目標は、達成される可能性のある目標の要約です。これは、特定の目標を達成するために個人または組織がとるステップです。議題を設定すると、組織とチームは単一の明確な方向性を持つことになりま

What is scrum poker?

  Planning poker, also known as Scrum poker, is a consensus-based, gamified estimation method that is most commonly used in software development to estimate effort or relative size of development goals. Instead of speaking aloud, members of the group make estimates by placing numbered cards face-down on the table during planning poker. The cards are unveiled, followed by a discussion of the estimates. The group can avoid the cognitive bias of anchoring, which occurs when the first number spoken aloud sets a precedent for subsequent estimates, by hiding the figures in this way. How to play Scrum Poker? The prod u ct owner or customer reads an agile user story or explains a feature to the estimators to begin a poker planning session. Each estimator has a deck of Planning Poker cards with values such as 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40, and 100, which is the recommended sequence. The numbers reflect the estimated number of story points, perfect days, or other units by the team. The estimators

10 best bug tracking tools in 2021

  Bugs, ugh. They’re probably familiar to you. Bugs in the digital world can be any defect in the design, specification, code, or requirement that causes problems and prevents things from working properly. Bug tracking, on the other hand, might be new to you and how it can greatly simplify your life. Bug tracking tools assist you in ensuring the bug s  are identified and patched. They find and repair defects in the product by deleg ating work to various team members. These systems then keep track of issues and assist team leaders in correctly analyzing the steps that need to be taken by the appropriate team member to fix a bug. And in a software development project, a bug tracking tool can assist in the recording, reporting, assigning, and tracking of bugs. There are a plethora of defect monitoring tools on the market. To put it another way, “the better the bug tracking tool, the better the product quality.” Defect management tools vs. Code review tools I believe you have get known wha

Agile vs Scrum

  Waterfall project management is a well-known method in software development, and its basic process is story -> development -> test. It is assumed that the final result is right if each phase is done correctly. Microsoft uses the Waterfall method and it works well. However, it has a relatively high failure rate, for the market and requirements are constantly changing. Software pioneers conducted a series of researches, thinkings, and summaries about the problems found in the Waterfall methodology and finally came up with the concept of Agile. What is Agile? Agile is an a p proach that helps one iterate on processes in the Software Development Life Cycle, such as development, testing, and so on. This technique has advantages, including the ability to produce high-value functionality in fast implementation times, which was previously a problem for the traditional waterfall approach. It also helps to enhance customer retention and satisfaction. This is accomplished by splitting dow

ZenTao project management software: an Open source Scrum tool and self-hosted solution

  ZenTao project management software: Open source Scrum tool and self-hosted solution What is ZenTao? How ZenTao workflow fits in Scrum ZenTao is a Scrum tool for software developers, teams, companies, remote developers, and freelancers. It offers a solution to do remote collaboration work or even locally. ZenTao has an open-source version and can be self-hosted easily.  ZenTao features ZenTao Biz includes the features as below, PHP Language Written Email&Webhook Notification Backlog Management Sprint and Task Bug Tracking Roadmap Burndown Kanban SaaS Self Hosting Gantt Customized Workflow LDAP MS Word/Excel Import&Export Attendance GIT/SVN Repo Effort Log Wiki Library Role Management API Calendar  Timesheet Dashboard: Where you could find everything related to you Dashboard Gantt: You could manage task dependencies here and view them by various groups Gantt Report: Tremendous kind of report you could check to evaluate  Workload report Wiki Library: where you could view doc, sh

Why Zombie Scrum Teams Don’t Ship Fast

  In environments with Zombie Scrum, people don’t understand why it’s important to ship fast. When you   ask them, they respond with a shrug. Or with a dismissive smile, because “that can’t possibly work for a product or organization as complex as ours”. For them, shipping fast is only possible for small and inconsequential products or for huge tech companies like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Etsy. Even if they’d want to, the investment would simply be too large. It’s more convenient to keep batching many updates into large, infrequent releases. Honestly, this is not very different from seeing the appeal in a healthy lifestyle but refusing to do the frequent workouts to get there. Signs to watch for Regardless of how much work Scrum Teams complete within a Sprint, features are batched into large quarterly or yearly releases. Releases are “all hands”-affairs where people clear their schedule for the evening and the next day(s) to address issues caused by the release. “That doesn’t work here”